Zip Tigh, a dog-fighting and fantasy football enthusiast from Baltimore, Maryland, writes:
Dear Grammer Genios,
Me and my friend Jason seen Batlle Los Angilos, it was awesome. Did you see it?
signed, Zip Tigh
Dear Mr. Tigh,
I viewed that film at a special showing held for celebrity bloggers last month in Jackson Hole. The pre-release buzz had prepared me for something special, and yet the sophistication, literacy, and intellectual brilliance of this modern Iliad completely took me aback. Aaron Eckhart out-Brandoed Brando with his breathtaking, layered performance. Predictably, the drive-by philistines who fancy themselves “movie critics” have, to a man, panned the film, having utterly missed its clever, subtle, and ironic homage to Somerset Maugham and Tennessee Williams. This is a film for the ages – awesome indeed, in the full meaning of the word.
The Grammer Genious