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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Homework help, for teachers

Dr. Sylvia Batillo. an AP English teacher at Hammond High School in Columbia, Maryland, writes:

Dear Grammer Genious,

What is the difference, if any, between "perpetuate" and "perpetrate"? To all intensive purposes, they seem the same to me. Some smart-ass kids in my AP English class asked me about those words, with a smirk. They're always trying to emberrass me.

Dr.Sylvia Batillo, Ed.D.

Dear Dr. Batillo,

Oh, those words are about the same, give or take. There are probably some little differences, but people that insist on going on and on about some fancy little differences are just thinking too hard, or else trying to show off.

If you want to get those kids off your back, you should get them into FANTASY FOOTBALL! I'm totally besotted with it, it's all I ever do or think about. I bet you can do the whole thing on a Smart Board, and they'll stop asking you dumb English stuff.

The Grammer Genious

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