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Thursday, March 8, 2012

A prescient logo

Tricia N. Cox, a New York City housewife, writes:

Dear Grammer Genious,
How come the logo on Toyota cars is that little man with the sombrero? What's a sombrero got to do with it? I thought Toyotas were Japanese. My husband says he thinks the Toyota car company was bought by the Baja Fresh restaurant chain, or the other way around and that's why. My husband knows about corporations and stuff.,

Signed, Tricia N. Cox

Dear Tricia,
The Board of Directors of the Toyota Corporation has long been aware that eventually Hispanics will constitute the huge majority of U.S. Population, and that besides everyone here is all crazy about TexMex food and tequila and margaritas and those kinds of stuff. It's just a clever marketing ploy, is all. Your husband's involvement with corporate and management affairs hasn't seemed to give him much insight into these kind of things, I fear.

The Grammer Genious

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