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Not speling questions though.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Herr Florian Strümpfenstopfer, a klieglight technician and make-up artist in the TV studio of the German network Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands in Frankfurt Germany, writes:

Dear Respected Doktor Grammer Genious,

Thank you sorely for your needful Website, it is wunderbar. It will help me to stuty your beautiful englisch Language.

Now I try to understand Englisch version words to our famous beloved German folksong “Auf Wiedersehen, Fräulein amerikanische Strudel.” I think that in your Language you are calling this song “Bye Bye Miss American Pie.”

Anyvays, in Englisch words version comes this:

I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck…

Is words is not in original jolly German wersion (Ich war jung und ahnungslosen, mit Rucksack und Lederhosen). Is not in Spirit of jolly original German folktune, no?

Tell me please what means this “broncin’ buck”? Is “broncin’” is present partiziple of verb “To bronc,” but not finds itself in my Dictionary. Is passiv pluperfect of verb in Indicativ mood, perhaps?

I am happy I find someone understands dese things.

-Yours, Florian Strümpfenstopfer


Dear Herr Whatever-your-name-is,

I don’t want to seem insensitive or lacking in commitment to diversity and all that stuff, but frankly I don’t know what the HELL you’re talking about. Why all this analyzation and fancy Greeky words? Just open your mouth and let regular normal English come out of it, as it naturally does. That works fine for me, and everybody I know.

Incidentally, don’t you feel guilty about the war and all? Just curious.

-The Grammer Genious

1 comment:

  1. Clifton Rhodes said:
    Actually, Don McLean's translation did a pretty good job of preserving the original Central European flavor of the piece, but because of his youth and his narrow perspective, a few Americanisms did accidentally creep into it.
