Earl Bannister, a part-time delivery person for CVS Pharmacy in Chesterfield Township MI, writes:
Dear Grammer Genious,
I’m curious about something. Maybe I should give you a running start to my question, to give you some context so you’ll understand it.
I was making deliveries on my bike on Thursday and my head itched so I tried to scratch it through one of those slits on top of the bike helmet and my finger got stuck in the hole. I wanted to stop and try to get it out but the bike’s left handbrake is broken so I tried to reach the right handbrake across with my left hand and the bike went down very hard on the pavement separating my shoulder and breaking my finger.
The COBRA insurance I have from when I got laid off from GM paid for the shoulder operation but not for the finger because COBRA doesn’t cover digits. And even though I was full of surgery stitches and anesthetic, COBRA wouldn’t let me stay in the hospital but instead took me to their contract recovery motel the Chesterfield Inn, which was not very nice because it smelled like Lysol and had plastic mattress covers under the sheet that crackled and the place was full of strange people that yelled all night.
A nurse was sposed to come every day to help change my bandage but she didn’t come until Saturday and she was drunk so she couldn’t do much. Nobody came on Sunday but on Monday this very nice prostitute named Tiffany was working the motel and when she got to my room it was obvious I was in no condition to party but she re-did my bandage for me very nicely and then she went out and got us some ramen noodles and we ate them and watched “Storm Stories” on the Weather Channel which is her favorite program.
I’m out of the motel now but I think I have an infection. Ok, so anyway here is my question. Tiffany says “feb-ROO-ary,” but I say “feb-YOO-ary. Which is right?
- Earl Bannister
Dear Earl,
First of all, if there was a Wawa anywhere near you she should of got you guys some of their mac and cheese, because it is AWESOME!
Second of all, I’m not quite following your thread. What exactly is the question? Which is right about WHAT?
- The Grammer Genious
Clifton Rhodes said:
ReplyDeleteIt was feb-ROO-ary until September 30, 1994, after which the U.S. English Language Academy officially changed it to feb-YOO-ary.