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Not speling questions though.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Straightforward school sign

Delaware pilot and retail entrepreneur Wendel Heid writes:

Dear Grammer Genious,

Last week I was taking my children to school for their first day of the year.  As I approached the school their was a flashing sign that said, "give kids a break".  I'm confused.

-Wendel Heid

Dear Mr. Heid,

The highly trained professional educators who programmed the flashing school sign were probably trying to say that drivers should step on their cars’ breaks when they see children in the street. I don’t quite understand why that would confuse you. I'm betting very few of the other parents were confused at all.

- The Grammer Genious


  1. I know Mr. Heid and have seen the same sign. I was confused because it said, "Give kids a brake" (vs. break). Why would they spell it differently if they were so highly edumacated?

  2. They just came off summer break? Is this some teachers union scheme?

  3. This thread is distorting the issue into something to do with spelling, and I *TOLD* you all that I DON'T DO SPELLING QUESTIONS!!
